Saturday, 12 January 2013

Create micro niche websites for early success

If it's your first time setting up a blog or website, you may not be acquainted with niches, let alone micro niches. Micro niche websites are the best shot to getting traffic to your website, but setting them up isn't going to be easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it. So, let's take a detailed look into this topic:

What is a Micro Niche and why you should opt for it?

If you've thought about starting a blog/website you've certainly got some ideas in mind. Just think about the idea in general and you would be able to come up with a huge list of sub-categories that fall under this main category – If not you’ve still got a long way to go!

Each of these categories can be considered as a niche and the sub-categories would be your micro niches. Now that you've got a rough idea as to what micro niches are, create a list of the sub-categories that you're interested in.

Once you've picked a few, you would then need to pick just a single micro niche based on plenty of factors as each of these factors plays an important role in the overall success of your blog/site.

Factors to consider when Picking a Micro Niche

You can't just wake up one fine morning and say, I want to begin a blog! You need to sit back and think a while, so here are a few factors that you should consider:


If at all you want to be successful, you would need to offer your visitors information that they can trust. This is only possible if you're an expert in your field. Therefore, unless you have the right knowledge of the field you shouldn't venture into it. There are surely plenty of niches out there that you would be good at.


Of course every niche no matter how small would have a lot of competition when it comes to ranking well on search engines. But, you need to take a look at your competition and ascertain whether you would be able to offer visitors something better than what they already have. If the answer is yes, no matter what the level of competition - go ahead!

Is it seasonal?

This problem usually arises when it comes to websites as blogs usually are focused on topics that are popular all through the year. But, if you're beginning on starting a niche website such as an e-commerce site based on affiliate marketing, try and make sure that the site isn't focused on something seasonal.

For Example: If you want to sell Halloween costumes, also try and add costumes that are meant for other occasions, because if you don't you would only have sales a few months a year - this is not a problem if you're fine with it, but most people would worry.


This is another major factor that would govern your success. If you're only interested in earning through your blog, the chances of success are minimal. Instead, you should find a niche that you would love to write about no matter how many people read it. You should be happy even if you've got just a handful of readers - your family and friends for instance.

Can you write a lot about it?

It's going to be totally useless to create a blog in a particular micro niche if you’re going to be completely out of ideas within a few months. Therefore, you should see to it that the topic that you choose has the potential to grow. There needs to be new changes happening in the fields which would give you an opportunity to write more posts.

Benefits of creating a micro niche blog or website

Well, there are plenty of benefits of creating a micro niche blog/website and that's the main reason I'm writing about it. So, now that you know what they are all about, let's see what makes them popular:

You would remain focused

If you're blog or website is going to be based on a micro niche, then you'd know what to write about and your readers won't feel like you're deviating from their interests.  But, it's not just your readers that would feel better; you would be able to get ideas easily. You wouldn't need to fight with yourself and wonder what you need to write about.

You'd enjoy it

What's the use of having a blog setup if you're not going to enjoy writing on it? Most people begin a blog and finally once they get decent traffic, hire writers to do the writing for them. Of course, getting writers to write is a good way to give your readers more to read about, but you should make it a point to keep writing posts yourself too.  

So, if you pick a micro niche that you love, there's no chance that you would give up writing on your own blog. This may seem unrealistic to you now, but if at all your blog is successful and demands frequent posts you would realize that it's impossible to run a successful blog all on your own and you would need to hire a few people. 

More traffic opportunities

If you pick a micro niche, you would probably rank well on search engines for terms related to that niche as the algorithms would brand your website/blog in a particular category. However, if you have posts on random topics, it's not just the algorithms that would be confused - but you would have no idea as to what you're doing either.

Guest writers would be interested

Do you want your blog to become popular in its niche? If you do you would need to get others to post on your blog as well. But, this will happen only when the guest authors see some potential in your blog. Therefore, by focusing on a micro niche you may attract the best of guest bloggers thereby increasing your traffic further by adding a whole new angle to your blog.

Note: The guest posts that you attract would be in the same micro niche, but the style of writing would differ and hence it would give your readers something different to read about rather than posts in your usual style.

More advertisement opportunities

No one likes ads, but when it comes to micro niche blogs, people would contact you directly in order to have an ad placed on your blog. In most cases these ads are going to come from relevant sources and hence you wouldn't be impairing the overall user experience of your blog, instead you're going to be getting paid to give them more information.

If you're looking for a complete tutorial to get your website up and running, take a look at this post titled "SEO for Dummies"


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